Thursday, 27 August 2009

Dherai paani and dherai raamro!

This morning on my way the OCCED there were so many morning glories.I was disappointed that I was not going to see the ones I planted flower(although I did see some others before I left) but this more than made up for it.The picture does not do it justice but will give you some idea.I didn't count them either!
I am not going to write an itinerary of my day any more but I thought yesterday it would give you an idea of what I am doing.
The piece of work is by Rabin (6 year old boy)He can read some Nepali and some English words.He is doing very well.
Yesterday we did the handprints and I told Kausalya that I was going to make a tree with them
She gave me a sideways look, shook her head and said 'OK?'.Today when we had cut out the handprints and I had put them up she just kept
looking at it and saying 'Dherai dherai raamro!' (very ,very beautiful) She asked to be photographed with it and for a copy of the photo.She was so pleased with it!
Before this afternoon I thought I had seen rain but this afternoon was
something else. It rained in sheets for about 3 hours continuously.The drain system in Kathmandu is not good so there was alot of surface flooding.It is the areas further down that I feel really sorry for as they are already suffering from the affect of flooding and todays rain will only add to their misery.

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  1. Love the tree !! The photos are great too. It is amazing being able to speak to you , hear you and see you - the wonders of modern technology !!! I wonder what Nana would have have thought being able to do all these things!!! The photo of morning glory is quite spectacular when enlarged !
    All our love and hugs , take care and have fun. M & D xx

  2. On the same day my outside morning glories have started flowering! - but not enjoying such warm weather as yours! lovely to see your pictures and hear your news. lots of love
